I define a measure is count_distinct(order_id),when i add the column "order_id" as global dictionary,web ui prompt created successfully.but global dictionary column are not displayed on the web ui ,and there are no any errors in the log file.
2018-04-02 10:43:22,354 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-6] controller.CubeController:1010 : Saving cube {
"name": "GLD_MR_TEST",
"model_name": "M_ORDER",
"description": "",
"dimensions": [
"measures": [
"name": "COUNT",
"function": {
"expression": "COUNT",
"returntype": "bigint",
"configuration": {}
"name": "CD",
"function": {
"expression": "COUNT_DISTINCT",
"returntype": "bitmap",
"showDim": false
"dictionaries": [],
"rowkey": {
"rowkey_columns": [
"aggregation_groups": [
"includes": [
"mandatory_dimension_set_list": [],
"partition_date_start": 1514764800000,
"notify_list": [],
"hbase_mapping": {
"column_family": [
"name": "F1",
"columns": [
"name": "F2",
"columns": [
"volatile_range": "0",
"retention_range": "0",
"status_need_notify": [
"auto_merge_time_ranges": [],
"engine_type": 2,
"storage_type": "2",
"override_kylin_properties": {}
2018-04-02 10:43:22,356 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-6] cachesync.CachedCrudAssist:190 : Saving CubeDesc at /cube_desc/GLD_MR_TEST.json
2018-04-02 10:43:22,359 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:113 : Servers in the cluster: [localhost:7070]
2018-04-02 10:43:22,359 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:123 : Announcing new broadcast to all: BroadcastEvent{entity=cube_desc, event=create, cacheKey=GLD_MR_TEST}
2018-04-02 10:43:22,361 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-4] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting CREATE, cube_desc, GLD_MR_TEST
2018-04-02 10:43:22,361 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-6] service.CubeService:211 : New cube GLD_MR_TEST has 1 cuboids
2018-04-02 10:43:22,362 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-6] cube.CubeManager:219 : Creating cube 'dw_zyb-->GLD_MR_TEST' from desc 'GLD_MR_TEST'
2018-04-02 10:43:22,362 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-6] cube.CubeManager:297 : Updating cube instance 'GLD_MR_TEST'
2018-04-02 10:43:22,362 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-6] cachesync.CachedCrudAssist:190 : Saving CubeInstance at /cube/GLD_MR_TEST.json
2018-04-02 10:43:22,362 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-4] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting UPDATE, project_schema, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,364 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:113 : Servers in the cluster: [localhost:7070]
2018-04-02 10:43:22,364 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:123 : Announcing new broadcast to all: BroadcastEvent{entity=cube, event=create, cacheKey=GLD_MR_TEST}
2018-04-02 10:43:22,365 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-6] cachesync.CachedCrudAssist:190 : Saving ProjectInstance at /project/dw_zyb.json
2018-04-02 10:43:22,367 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:113 : Servers in the cluster: [localhost:7070]
2018-04-02 10:43:22,367 DEBUG [pool-6-thread-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:123 : Announcing new broadcast to all: BroadcastEvent{entity=project, event=update, cacheKey=dw_zyb}
2018-04-02 10:43:22,376 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-4] project.ProjectL2Cache:195 : Loading L2 project cache for dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,376 WARN [http-bio-7070-exec-4] realization.RealizationRegistry:91 : No provider for realization type INVERTED_INDEX
2018-04-02 10:43:22,378 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-4] service.CacheService:120 : cleaning cache for project dw_zyb (currently remove all entries)
2018-04-02 10:43:22,378 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-4] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting UPDATE, project_schema, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,378 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-4] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting CREATE, cube_desc, GLD_MR_TEST
2018-04-02 10:43:22,381 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting CREATE, cube, GLD_MR_TEST
2018-04-02 10:43:22,383 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting UPDATE, project_data, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,383 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-1] service.CacheService:120 : cleaning cache for project dw_zyb (currently remove all entries)
2018-04-02 10:43:22,383 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting UPDATE, project_data, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,383 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting CREATE, cube, GLD_MR_TEST
2018-04-02 10:43:22,386 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting UPDATE, project, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,387 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] project.ProjectL2Cache:195 : Loading L2 project cache for dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,387 WARN [http-bio-7070-exec-1] realization.RealizationRegistry:91 : No provider for realization type INVERTED_INDEX
2018-04-02 10:43:22,387 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting UPDATE, project_schema, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,402 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] project.ProjectL2Cache:195 : Loading L2 project cache for dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,402 WARN [http-bio-7070-exec-1] realization.RealizationRegistry:91 : No provider for realization type INVERTED_INDEX
2018-04-02 10:43:22,404 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-1] service.CacheService:120 : cleaning cache for project dw_zyb (currently remove all entries)
2018-04-02 10:43:22,404 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting UPDATE, project_schema, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,405 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:247 : Broadcasting UPDATE, project_data, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,405 INFO [http-bio-7070-exec-1] service.CacheService:120 : cleaning cache for project dw_zyb (currently remove all entries)
2018-04-02 10:43:22,405 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting UPDATE, project_data, dw_zyb
2018-04-02 10:43:22,405 DEBUG [http-bio-7070-exec-1] cachesync.Broadcaster:281 : Done broadcasting UPDATE, project, dw_zyb