Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
TypeUtils.isAssignable returns a wrong result when checkng wheter a ParameterziedType is assignable to another ParamterizedType.
Given class definitions as following, for example,
class MyNonTransientException extends MyException { ... } class MyException extends Exception implements Iterable<Throwable> { ... } class LexOrdering<T> extends MyOrdering<Iterable<T>> implements Serializable { ... } class MyOrdering<T> implements MyComparator<T> { ... } interface MyComparator<T> { ... }
In this case,
ParameterizedType from = TypeUtils.parameterize(LexOrdering.class, MyNonTransientException.class); ParameterizedType to = TypeUtils.parameterize(MyComparator.class, new WildcardTypeImpl(new Type[]{Object.class}, new Type[]{MyNonTransientException.class})); TypeUtils.isAssignable(from, to)
returns true, but this should be false. First line translates to "MyComparator<Iterable<MyNonTransientException>>" and second one is "MyComparator<? super MyNonTransientException>". First type cannot be assigned to second one (Javac complains it)
It seems that the problem is the method:
private static Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> getTypeArguments(final Type type, final Class<?> toClass, final Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> subtypeVarAssigns)
which is called in
private static boolean isAssignable(final Type type, final ParameterizedType toParameterizedType, final Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> typeVarAssigns)
getTypeArguments returns the map "T -> java.lang.iterable<T>, T -> MyNonTransientException, T -> java.lang.Iterable<T>".
I think this should be something like "T -> java.lang.iterable<MyNonTransientException>, T -> MyNonTransientException, T -> java.lang.Iterable<MyNonTransientException>".