private List<QueryAcceptor> queryAcceptors = new ArrayList<QueryAcceptor>();
private void accept(String query, Configuration conf, SubmitOp submitOp) throws LensException { // run through all the query acceptors, and throw Exception if any of them // return false for (QueryAcceptor acceptor : queryAcceptors) { String cause = ""; String rejectionCause = acceptor.accept(query, conf, submitOp); if (rejectionCause != null) { getEventService().notifyEvent(new QueryRejected(System.currentTimeMillis(), query, rejectionCause, null)); throw new LensException("Query not accepted because " + cause); } } getEventService().notifyEvent(new QueryAccepted(System.currentTimeMillis(), null, query, null)); }
We can take from conf and populate the list. Right now it's not populated.