Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Java Web Service in Websphere server
In my local,
I created an log4j2.xml to config like that :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration status="OFF"> <appenders> <!-- Async Loggers will auto-flush in batches, so switch off immediateFlush. --> <FastFile name="AsyncFastFile" fileName="${sys:logFilename}" immediateFlush="false" append="true"> <PatternLayout> <pattern>test %m %m %ex%n</pattern> </PatternLayout> </FastFile> <JDBC name="databaseAppender" tableName="mytablename"> <DriverManager url="jdbc:oracle:thin:ORCL_USERNAME/PASS@//MYSERVERNAME:PORTNO/DBNAME" /> <Column name="KEY1" pattern="%X{sayi1}" /> <Column name="KEY2" pattern="%X{sayi2}" /> </JDBC> <JDBC name="databaseAppenderJNDI" tableName="mytablename"> <DataSource jndiName="java:/comp/env/jdbc/logWS" /> <Column name="KEY1" pattern="%X{sayi1}" /> <Column name="KEY2" pattern="%X{sayi2}" /> </JDBC> </appenders> <loggers> <!-- pattern layout actually uses location, so we need to include it --> <asyncLogger name="ASYNC" level="TRACE" additivity="false"> <appender-ref ref="databaseAppender"/> </asyncLogger> <!-- pattern layout actually uses location, so we need to include it --> <asyncLogger name="ASYNCwithJNDI" level="TRACE" additivity="false"> <appender-ref ref="databaseAppenderJNDI"/> </asyncLogger> <root level="info" includeLocation="true"> <appender-ref ref="databaseAppender"/> </root> </loggers> </configuration>
I can insert logs to text file and DB by switching loggername in my java class which I call log function. There no problem in my local.
In Webshere server,
I call a web service for logging. I am using same config file and same java codes which calls log function. I can insert logs to a file but I can't insert logs to database. I tried both driverManager url and JNDI. But nothing changed. In two ways, I can't insert log to DB and program doesn't throw any error in try-catch. So I can't find problem where is.
Note : There is no problem at JNDI url and drivermanager url. Because I can perfectly use these urls in different webservice in webshere. Also I can insert log to Database in my local with same codes.
Note : There is no problem to insert logs to txt file. only DB insertion is problem in Websphere server. So there isn't problem at config file classpath.
For your info, I am using oracle DB but the problem isn't about DB.
I trace network packages in server and I realize that web service don't send any package to DB. Packages don't reach to DB.
How can I solve this problem?
Issue Links
- is related to
LOG4J2-407 JDBCAppender cannot recover from loss of database connectivity
- Resolved
LOG4J2-457 JDBCAppender does not release JDBC connections to the connection pool when WAR/EAR is stopped
- Resolved
LOG4J2-438 JDBCDatabaseManager does not send commit command
- Resolved
LOG4J2-489 Should JPADatabaseManager being using so many transactions?
- Closed
- relates to
LOG4J2-407 JDBCAppender cannot recover from loss of database connectivity
- Resolved
LOG4J2-457 JDBCAppender does not release JDBC connections to the connection pool when WAR/EAR is stopped
- Resolved
LOG4J2-438 JDBCDatabaseManager does not send commit command
- Resolved
LOG4J2-489 Should JPADatabaseManager being using so many transactions?
- Closed