I face this issue, that prevent me to upgrade to 1.1.0 (and the change was consequently introduced in this version):
I'm using default_container_info to mount a /tmp volume in the container's mount namespace from its current sandbox, meaning that each container have a dedicated /tmp, thanks to the filesystem/shared isolator.
I noticed through our automation pipeline that integration tests were failing and found that this is because /tmp (the one from the host!) contents is trashed each time a container is created.
Here is my setup:
- --isolation='cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem,namespaces/pid,disk/du,filesystem/shared,filesystem/linux,docker/runtime'
- --default_container_info='{"type":"MESOS","volumes":[{"host_path":"tmp","container_path":"/tmp","mode":"RW"}]}'
I discovered this issue in the early days of 1.1 (end of Nov, spoke with someone on Slack), but had unfortunately no time to dig into the symptoms a bit more.
I found nothing interesting even using GLOGv=3.
Maybe it's a bad usage of isolators that trigger this issue ? If it's the case, then at least a documentation update should be done.
Let me know if more information is needed.
Issue Links
- relates to
MESOS-7058 Deprecate and remove filesystem/shared isolator.
- Open