Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.5, 3.3.1, 3.3.3
I have test project where i defined the pom like this:
<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.soebes.examples.j2ee</groupId> <artifactId>parent</artifactId> <version>${revision}</version> <packaging>pom</packaging>
If i define the revision on command line like this.
mvn -Drevision=1.0-SNAPSHOT clean package
everything fine...
But now i want to make the usage a bit more convenient so i added the following to my pom:
<properties> <>UTF-8</> <revision>1.0-SNAPSHOT</revision> </properties>
to have a default for revision which works fine now...
But if i would like to overwrite the property from command line like this:
mvn -Drevision=1.0 clean package
the build failes in the following location:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.5.5:single (assemblies) on project assembly: Failed to create assembly: Unable to resolve dependencies for assembly 'archive': Failed to resolve dependencies for assembly: Unable to get dependency information for com.soebes.examples.j2ee:service-client:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to process POM for com.soebes.examples.j2ee:service-client:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Non-resolvable parent POM for com.soebes.examples.j2ee:service-client:[unknown-version]: Failure to find com.soebes.examples.j2ee:parent:pom:${revision} in http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus has elapsed or updates are forced [ERROR] com.soebes.examples.j2ee:service-client:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT