Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Windows XP, Java 1.6.0_16
Create a simple file hello.txt under src/main/resources with following content:
This property ${testProperty} was replaced
but the one behind a @ will not be processed, as you
see: ${testProperty}. You shouldn't see a property reference.
define a build section in your pom.xml like this
Run the command:
mvn process-resources -DtestProperty=IwasReplaced
this produces the output
This property IwasReplaced was replaced
but the one behind a @ will not be processed, as you
see: ${testProperty}. You shouldn't see a property reference.
As you see, the second property reference was not resolved. The replacement just stops after the @ character.
Issue Links
- depends upon
MSHARED-176 Add support of stopping at the end of line to prevent issue with endToken not found
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MRESOURCES-117 maven-resources-plugin 2.4+ filtering broken
- Closed
MRESOURCES-112 Default delimiters break filtering
- Closed
MRESOURCES-129 resource:resource filtering fails when resource contains an @
- Closed
MRESOURCES-133 if "<%@ page import = "java.util.List" %>" is present in a file, filtering does'nt work
- Closed
MRESOURCES-136 Filtering in .properties breaks after encountering @
- Closed
MRESOURCES-141 Filtering doesn't work when there is an odd number of @ in the resource
- Closed
MRESOURCES-124 @ symbol in filtered resource prevents subsequent filters
- Closed
- relates to
MRESOURCES-70 Filter does not process nested ${} variables
- Closed