Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Mac OSX Lion
Java 7
Maven 3.0.4
When building the bundle of Archiva, some files have incorrect mod:
$ tree apache-archiva-js-1.4-M3-SNAPSHOT apache-archiva-js-1.4-M3-SNAPSHOT â”â”â” LICENSE â”â”â” NOTICE â”â”â” apps â”  └â”â” archiva â”  â”â”â” META-INF [error opening dir] â”  â”â”â” WEB-INF [error opening dir] â”  â”â”â” css [error opening dir] â”  â”â”â” favicon.ico â”  â”â”â” images [error opening dir] â”  â”â”â” img [error opening dir] â”  â”â”â” index.html â”  └â”â” js [error opening dir] â¦
with more details:
$ ls -al apache-archiva-js-1.4-M3-SNAPSHOT/apps/archiva/ total 24 drwxr-xr-x 10 adrien staff 340B 6 aoû 23:48 ./ drwxr-xr-x 3 adrien staff 102B 6 aoû 23:48 ../ d--------- 4 adrien staff 136B 6 aoû 22:01 META-INF/ d--------- 6 adrien staff 204B 6 aoû 22:01 WEB-INF/ d--------- 11 adrien staff 374B 6 aoû 22:01 css/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 adrien staff 3,6K 5 aoû 00:50 favicon.ico* d--------- 32 adrien staff 1,1K 6 aoû 22:01 images/ d--------- 6 adrien staff 204B 6 aoû 22:01 img/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 adrien staff 6,9K 5 aoû 13:33 index.html* d--------- 30 adrien staff 1,0K 6 aoû 22:01 js/