Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
From the mailing list:
The next problem, and weird behavior is that the rest service copyArtifact
is not fixing the metadata for the new files. Something I expected it to
do. I guess this is a bug. So to fix the metadata you actually have to run
scanRepositoryDirectoriesNow ... before you can use the artifact with for
example mvn versions:use-latest-versions. If your repository is large, like
for example 200gig then scanRepositoryDirectoriesNow takes more than
60mins. This leads to not being able to use the artifact until the
directory have been scanned. Really bad.
Suggestions to fix this is to either fix a rest request where its possible
to scan a specific artifact and fix for example the metadata, checksum or
whatever stuff you want to fix with the consumers. Would be really handy.
Another solution is if the copyArtifact does this, something I expected it
to do.