Spring 3.1 brings a SpringServletContainerInitializer, that has annotation @HandlesTypes(WebApplicationInitializer.class).
In my application, I have a WebApplicationInitializer directly in my war. This one is compiled and put in WEB-INF/classes.
When launching with tomcat7:run-war, my WebApplicationInitializer is correctly found by tomcat and provided to SpringServletContainerInitializer.
But with tomcat7:run, I've this line in logs :
INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath
It seems that the problems come from the ContextConfig classe (from tomcat source), in method webConfig that specificly search a "WEB-INF/classes" :
// Step 4. Process /WEB-INF/classes for annotations
// This will add any matching classes to the typeInitializerMap
if (ok) {
// Hack required by Eclipse's "serve modules without
// publishing" feature since this backs WEB-INF/classes by
// multiple locations rather than one.
NamingEnumeration<Binding> listBindings = null;
try {
catch (NameNotFoundException ignore)
{ // Safe to ignore }