The attached patch will introduce a new javascript method which will be used for the commandLink form submission handling.
The name of this new javascript method is "myfcs_sbmt" and will be rendered once (on first use) into the html.
It allows to pass in 4 parameters:
frm - form name
srcElement - the element issuing the onclick - the anchor tag in the current case
target - the target (not strictly necessary for the anchor, but useable for the future (commandButton) )
prms - a javascript hash array for the components f:params
See the resulting javascript below.
The resulting href-onclick tag will be
<a href="#" onclick="clear_navigation_3Atest();return myfcs_sbmt('navigation:test',this,'',
)" id="navigation:test:_idJsp31">params</a>
Next thing to do will be to get rid of the clear_() method, but one after the other.
It would be REALLY GREAT if one of you developers can have a look at this (for sure) rather large patch. If you are happy it would be even MORE GREAT if you could apply it so that I can see how it works in wild life.
If everything is fine I will have a look how to get rid of the clear_ methods and move on to the commandButton. There is not much to win, but a little bit is better than nothing
Especially it would be nice if both use the same (centralized) methods to render their onClick things.
The new javascript (rendered without any newline in reality)
function myfcs_sbmt(frm,srcElem,target,prms)
var formElement = document.forms[frm];
if (target != '')
{; }for (var paramName in prms)
{ formElement.elements[paramName].value=prms[paramName]; } if(formElement.onsubmit)
var result=formElement.onsubmit();
if( (typeof result == 'undefined') || result )
return false;