Since JSF 2.1, after the view is built an addtional iteration to call markInitialState is done.
The condition to call ComponentSupport.markComponentToRestoreFully relies on that value, but instead we should use this condition:
fcc.isRefreshTransientBuildOnPSS() && !fcc.isRefreshingTransientBuild()
If no refreshing is done we are creating a new view, just like markInitialState. The effect is the view is not refreshed automatically in "auto" mode. It has been reported earlier, but checking the patch done on MYFACES-3329 I realized this condition is not working as expected.
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- is part of
MYFACES-3329 Fix PSS algorithm to ensure c:if and ui:include src="#{...}" related use cases will work without rely on org.apache.myfaces.REFRESH_TRANSIENT_BUILD_ON_PSS_PRESERVE_STATE
- Closed