Status: Closed
Resolution: Information Provided
Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64, Linux 4.18.0-17
OpenJDK 11.0.2
Having installed OpenkJDK 11 and Netbeans 10 on my relatively clean (new install) Ubuntu 18.04 laptop via apt (packages openjdk-11-jdk and netbeans, from the ubuntu repositories). I have been experiencing some very bizarre issues:
- The Navigator window doesn't load any symbols when I open a file, it just says "Please Wait" - this is accompanied by an exception which will be included in the attached log.
- Line breakpoints cannot be submitted at all, the IDE claims they are not positioned in a class, when they are. I have only tested exception breakpoints, which do work - I haven't tried any other types.
- I cannot create new projects - the wizard opens up, I follow the steps and click finish and the window hangs and an exception notification appears.
I have only attached a log for the issue highlighted in bold. Please let me know if you would like me to reproduce and attach logs for the other error either here or in a new issue.
From what I can gather from the stack trace, it seems to be some sort of parsing related issue. That fits with the other two issues, not being able to detect that breakpoints are in a class and for project creation the error trace usually says something about failed compilation.
Having looked online and at recent issues here I don't see anyone else having major issues similar to mine, bar a few bug reports from over 10 years ago! That might make you think its a problem with my computer (maybe it is), but when I download Netbeans 11 manually and 'install' it in my home directory it works like a charm, no issues at all.
Please let me know if you need me to clarify anything or provide additional information and attachments.