The existing check for DDL Events doesn't take into account SQL statements that begin with a comment, in file: nifi/nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-cdc/nifi-cdc-mysql-bundle/nifi-cdc-mysql-processors/src/main/java/org/apache/nifi/cdc/mysql/processors/
// Check for DDL events (alter table, e.g.). Normalize the query to do string matching on the type of change String normalizedQuery = sql.toLowerCase().trim().replaceAll(" {2,}", " "); if (normalizedQuery.startsWith("alter table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("alter ignore table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("create table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("truncate table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("rename table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("drop table") || normalizedQuery.startsWith("drop database"))
SQL commands such as:
/* ApplicationName=DataGrip 2019.2.4 */ alter table test_table drop column test_column
won't evaluate to true.