Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Somewhen in the past an information for users has been added that if a processor can have incoming connections, NiFi prevents the user to set execution to "Primary node" only. In theory this is fine, but the problem is, the "ExecuteSQL" processor can run with or without incoming connections.
I'm using the processor on a cluster without incoming connections, but I never wanna execute the same query on all cluster nodes and it's uncomfortable to set a "GenerateFlowFile" processor with "Primary only" execution mode in front of the "ExecuteSQL". At the moment I can't set the "ExecuteSQL" to "Primary node" only without a connected incoming connection as NiFi generates the error message "'Execution Node' is invalid because Processors with incoming connections cannot be scheduled for Primary Node only". Please check my screenshot.
NiFi should not check for the possibility on the processor for incoming connections but for real connected connections. Thanks