When configuring Nutch 1.5-SNAPSHOT in Eclipse, I noticed that any plugins requiring additional libraries OVER AND ABOVE the ones specified in NUTCH_HOME/ivy/ivy.xml cannot resolve the dependencies. In specific the classes are
- FeedParser <dependency org="" name="rome" rev="1.0.0" conf="*->master"/> - URLAutomationFilter - <dependency org="dk.brics" name="automaton" rev="???"/> - SWFParser <dependency org="" name="gwt-incubator" rev="2.0.1"/> - HTMLParser <dependency org="net.sourceforge.nekohtml" name="nekohtml" rev="1.9.15"/>
Further to this, I cannot locate the dk.brics dependency!
Finally, the plugin/ivy.xml files for the above plugins cannot be parsed corectly due to the ${nutch.root} vairable.