Given the following node:
/home/users/testing/socialgraph_test_user_4: { jcr:primaryType: "rep:User", rep:authorizableId: "socialgraph_test_user_4", social: { jcr:primaryType: "sling:Folder", relationships: { jcr:primaryType: "sling:Folder", friend: { jcr:primaryType: "sling:Folder", socialgraph_test_group: { jcr:primaryType: "nt:unstructured", id: "socialgraph_test_group" } } } } } /home/groups/testing/socialgraph_test_group: { ... }
and the following query:
does not yield any results. however this query:
returns the following nodes:
/home/users/testing/socialgraph_test_user_4/social/relationships/friend/socialgraph_test_group /home/groups/testing/socialgraph_test_group /home/groups/testing/socialgraph_test_group/rep:policy/allow
Although the group nodes don't have the 'id' property.
btw: this used to work as expected in Jackrabbit 2.x
Issue Links
- is cloned by
OAK-1323 CLONE - XPath queries currently require @ in front of property names
- Closed