To make optimum use of memory allocated to the various caches created in Oak it would be better to use Apache DirectMemory [1] as the level 2 (L2) cache. Further using Kryo[2] Serializer would enable saving of serialized objects in more compact form
- Storing cache objects in serialized form provides a more compact storage
- Deserializtion cost is low
- Using Off heap memory would be helpful compared to on heap memory
- L2 cache can be added as an optional feature. Oak Core can still be
used in absence of L2 cache
Implementation details
- Feature Branch
- Diff
- Test cases to be added
Implementation notes
- Adds DirectMemory and Kryo library as optional dependencies
- Decorates the Guava Cache to move the evicted objects to L2 cache
- Using L2 cache is completely optional
- Kryo library is used to provide fast and compact serialization.
- Uses custom serializers for various cache instances to provide a more compact storage
- Instead of using the key as is (i.e. path in MongoMK) it stores the hash of the path to conserve memory
Initial discussion at