Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
- JBoss version 4.0.3SP1 (tested with serverconfig default)
- Apache tomcat version 5.5 (integrated in JBoss as sar)
- Apache ODE version 1.1 (binary distribution)
Dear community,
in our recent project we had to integrate ODE into JBoss and discovered several problems, which seem to be widespread among (tormented) people challenging this issue.
Anticipatory, we want to thank all active users of this forum, which supported the discovery of our solution. As a consequence we feel free to post a little "how to" as well as "known error messages" in order to facilitate the integration for others.
We hope that our little guide is also applicable to other version-combinations than we required.
- Used environment *
- JBoss version 4.0.3SP1 (tested with serverconfig default)
- Apache tomcat version 5.5 (integrated in JBoss as sar)
- Apache ODE version 1.1 (binary distribution)
- Integration steps *
(I) Adapt JBoss Bootstrap Script for Win32 (= run.bat)
Add the following snippet (we hope) anywhere within the run.bat:
rem setting ODE persistence to Hibernate
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dode.persistence=hibernate
(II) Embedding ODE in JBoss
1) Decompress the ODE archive (anywhere)
2) In the root directory of the decompressed archive you find the file ode.war
3) Copy ode.war to [JBOSS-HOME]\server[serverconfig]\deploy
4) Explode the ode.war in the deploy directory
(III) Elminating Resource (jar) conflicts
REMOVING of jar files in the directory [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed:
- xercesImpl.jar
- xalan.jar
- resolver.jar
- xml-apis.jar
Unfortunately, this is not (yet) a comprehensible issue for us. Thus, this definitely is not a solution but a workaround.
ADDING of jar files in the directory [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed:
+ log4j.jar
+ ehcache-[snapshot].jar (tested with ehcache-1.3.0.jar)
+ commons-logging-[snapshot].jar (tested with commons-logging-1.1.jar)
REMOVING of jar files in the directory [JBOSS-HOME]\server[serverconfig]\deploy[ode.war directory]\WEB-INF\lib:
- geronimo-jta_[snapshot]spec-[version].jar (tested with geronimo-jta[1.0.1B]_spec-[1.0].jar)
- Known Error (Messages) *
(Remark: we used the most appropriate keyword of the error message to entitle the sections.)
2008-01-08 08:50:39,171 INFO [STDOUT] log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" variable.
2008-01-08 08:50:39,171 INFO [STDOUT] log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" was loaded by
2008-01-08 08:50:39,187 INFO [STDOUT] log4j:ERROR [WebappClassLoader
delegate: false
----------> Parent Classloader:
] whereas object of type
2008-01-08 08:50:39,187 INFO [STDOUT] log4j:ERROR "org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" was loaded by [org.jboss.system.server.NoAnnotationURLClassLoader@ab95e6].
2008-01-08 08:50:39,218 INFO [STDOUT] log4j:ERROR Could not create an Appender. Reported error follows.
-> missing log4j.jar in the directory [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed
ERROR [ODEServer] Error instantiating DAO Connection Factory class org.apache.ode.dao.jpa.BPELDAOConnectionFactoryImpl.
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence
-> adapt JBoss Bootstrap Script for Win32 (run.bat)
2008-01-08 09:22:53,671 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/ode]] StandardWrapper.Throwable
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/transaction/TransactionManager class
> Remove geronimo-jta_[snapshot]_spec[version].jar from [JBOSS-HOME]\server[serverconfig]\deploy[ode.war directory]\WEB-INF\lib
2008-01-08 09:25:16,390 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/ode]] StandardWrapper.Throwable
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/ehcache/CacheException
> Add ehcache[snapshot].jar to [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed
2008-01-08 09:29:21,859 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/ode]] StandardWrapper.Throwable
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
> Add commons-logging[snapshot].jar to [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed
BPEL process deploy failed
2008-01-08 09:35:57,406 ERROR [] Deploy failed; file:/C:/Programme/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/./deploy/ode.war/WEB-INF/processes/HelloWorld2/HelloWorld2.bpel:0: error: [BpelParseErr] Error parsing BPEL process: the BPEL is either malformed or is invalid.
org.apache.ode.bpel.compiler.api.CompilationException: file:/C:/Programme/jboss-4.0.3SP1/server/default/./deploy/ode.war/WEB-INF/processes/HelloWorld2/HelloWorld2.bpel:0: error: [BpelParseErr] Error parsing BPEL process: the BPEL is either malformed or is invalid.
-> REMOVING of jar files in the directory [JBOSS-HOME]\lib\endorsed:
-> - xercesImpl.jar
-> - xalan.jar
-> - resolver.jar
-> - xml-apis.jar
Simon & Stefan