Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Upcoming Branch
Groovy testIntegration, tests suites and tests cases no longer work
For my own help here is a simple case to test
"ofbiz --test component=accounting --test suitename=invoicetests --test testcase=invoice-per-shipment-tests"
It seems testIntegrations work but when you look at the log you find a lot of (46, barely same than number of files: 44, did not digg more) "Unable to load test suite class" errors like this 1st one:
|ModelTestSuite|E|Unable to load test suite class :|
You can find that in last ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins BB build:
The result seems successful. It's a misleading testIntegration result (not sure what does that) and an already old one. TestIntegrations still work in 18.12 and the issue is somehow related to OFBIZ-12813.
It's a really confusing situation. Several issues prevent Groovy tests to work.
The reason is due to wrong Groovy tests package names and locations due to OFBIZ-12813
If we refer to our way of naming packages they are correctly referenced in testdef (eg org.apache.ofbiz.accounting vs org.apache.accounting.accounting)
So it's only a simple packages names and locations changes.