On webtools the FindGeneric screen (/webtools/entity/find/
{entityName}) have an issue with the sort order.
After a search if you clic to sort the list, you lost the entityName and your search. The analyse look that come from the url encode (, who result a bad interpretation during ftl rendering.
linkUrl = rh.makeLink(this.request, this.response, urlPath.concat(URLEncoder.encode(newQueryString, "UTF-8")));
This has been introduce with jira OFBIZ-8302 for security reason.
To solve this, we implement a new function on to ask it if we need to encode the url or not with the presence of the variable escapeUrlEncode.
Like is test on root context, we need to set this variable on our code where we want to escape the encoding, just before call the MacroRenderer. This it not accessible from the request so no risk for the security origin fix.