Currently when deploying mutilple cmssite and ecommerce based sites and the adopter wants to have some kind of url shortening, the adopter must adjust the SeoConfig.xml file manually.
The following needs to be adjusted in the file to include other componentIds:
Also, differentiation regarding multiple site components is not obvious (can't be achieved?) in:
Furthermore, for each new addition (to allowed-contex-paths) requires the addition of:
<url-config> <description>sample: remove /ecomseo/main</description> <url-pattern>^/ecomseo/main$</url-pattern> <seo> <replacement>/ecomseo/</replacement> </seo> <forward> <replacement>/ecomseo/</replacement> <responsecode>301</responsecode> </forward> </url-config>
At the moment I haven't found a work-around to have it configurable through data (visavis multi-tenancy).