I noticed this error in trunk demo error.log
2017-05-16 03:05:38,898 | |StartupLoggingUtils |E| Missing Java Option solr.log.dir. Logging may be missing or incomplete.
It's thrown by
I can't see nothing at https://localhost:8443/solr/#/~logging
On dev ML Jinghai suggested to add
def jvmArguments = ['-Xms128M', '-Xmx1024M', '-Dsolr.log.dir=runtime/logs', '-Dsolr.log.level=INFO']
to main gradle. Taher mentionned that "The master build.gradle file should not point to any plugins"
I put the same in both lucene and solr components build. gradle (Solrs relies on Lucene but our usage is specific) and saw no drawbacks.
I must say I was not able to reproduce the "error" locally. But I anyway I propose to commit in the 2 plugins to reassur people who could else wonder.