Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
(Java) V4 5.0.1
We want to reuse HTTP connections but Olingo V4 library is closing the connection (and discarding it) every time we have a 200 OK response from the server.
Here you have a test code to demonstrate the issue:
package com.jtaphie; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.ODataClient; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.communication.request.retrieve.ODataEntityRequest; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.communication.response.ODataRetrieveResponse; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.domain.ClientEntity; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.http.HttpClientFactory; import org.apache.olingo.client.api.http.NoContentException; import org.apache.olingo.client.core.ODataClientFactory; import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.ex.ODataRuntimeException; import org.apache.olingo.commons.api.http.HttpMethod; public class ReuseHttpConnectionTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ReusableHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory = new ReusableHttpClientFactory(); ODataClient client = ODataClientFactory.getClient(); client.getConfiguration().setHttpClientFactory(httpClientFactory); ODataEntityRequest<ClientEntity> request = client .getRetrieveRequestFactory() .getEntityRequest( new URI( "")); ODataRetrieveResponse<ClientEntity> response = null; try { response = request.execute(); } catch (ODataRuntimeException e) { // HTTP 404 } if (response != null) { try (InputStream is = response.getRawResponse()) { System.out.println(IOUtils.toString(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } catch (NoContentException e) { // HTTP 204 } finally { response.close(); } } System.out.print(httpClientFactory.connectionManager.getTotalStats()); } private static class ReusableHttpClientFactory implements HttpClientFactory { private final PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager; private final HttpClient httpClient; private ReusableHttpClientFactory() { connectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(); httpClient = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(connectionManager).build(); } @Override public HttpClient create(HttpMethod method, URI uri) { return httpClient; } @Override public void close(HttpClient httpClient) { // do nothing as we want to reuse the same http client instance } } }
The output of the test should be:
[leased: 0; pending: 0; available: 1; max: 20]
But it is:
[leased: 0; pending: 0; available: 0; max: 20]
The reason is that the library closes the response instead of consuming it.
Is it a bug or is there any other way to reuse the connections?
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
OLINGO-1622 can't reuse HTTP connections
- Open