The o.a.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.type.* package contains code originally intended to strongly type Metadata elements within CAS file manager. IOW, it was originally conceived to make declaring a type for an Element easy. Consider the un-typed CAS file manager policy below:
<element id="urn:oodt:ProductReceivedTime" name="ProductReceivedTime"> .. </element>
which currently doesn't specify its type as a
when it clearly is a
Type handling was supposed to take care of this. As it stands, there are a number of fundamental disconnects with type handling:
- There are absolutely 0 examples of how to use it. The existing example is not tailored for the general audience and does little to inform a user of what Type handling is supposed to do.
- Type handlers are attached to Product Type (repo manager) policy when instead they really should be a part of the Validation layer policy (i.e., elements.xml)
- Type handlers aren't configurable.
- There is no way to map a TypeHandler alias or name (e.g.., instead of having to declare the FQCN o.a.oodt.cas.filemgr.structs.type.DateTypeHandler, we should be able to specify DateType).
- The TypeHandler interface is dependent on a ProductType.
In order to address the above concerns I'm going to attach a patch that does the following:
- Moves type handler declarations to Validation layer policy (elements.xml).
- Refactors the TypeHandler interface to be configurable.
- Refactors the TypeHandler interface to be independent of ProductType.
- Allows for easy aliasing of TypeHandlers.
- By default assigns all default CAS elements that ship with the CAS file manager a default type.
- Adds a bunch more documentation.
- Adds unit tests.