Currently, Spark benchmark jar supports the JMH options.
$ java -jar bench/spark/target/orc-benchmarks-spark-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar spark -h usage: java -jar <jar> <command> <options> <data> -f,--fork <arg> How many forks to use -g,--gc Should GC be profiled -h,--help Provide help -i,--iterations <arg> Number of iterations -I,--warmup-iterations <arg> Number of warmup iterations -m,--min-memory <arg> The minimum size of each JVM -M,--max-memory <arg> The maximum size of each JVM -p,--stack Should enable stack profiler in JMH -t,--time <arg> How long each iteration is in seconds
`core` benchmark jar file supports `format`/`data`/`compress` options. It would be great if Spark benchmark jar also supports its parameter options too.
$ java -jar bench/core/target/orc-benchmarks-core-*-uber.jar generate -h usage: convert <root> -c,--compress <arg> List of compression -d,--data <arg> List of data sets -f,--format <arg> List of formats -h,--help Provide help -s,--sales <arg> Number of records for sales
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