I find 2 Bugs in interactive.form, And I have resolved this 2 Bug. Here are the Code
1. I want make new Textbox in pdf. It always failed because the type flag “COSName.FT,="Tx"” never be set in the constructor.
The PDTextbox can only be correct initialized from COSDictionary.( That is only initialized from exist pdf file) .
I fixed this by add “getDictionary().setName(COSName.FT, "Tx");” in the constructor of PDTextbox.
Maybe it’s not right place, but works in my project.
public PDTextbox( PDAcroForm theAcroForm )
super( theAcroForm );
getDictionary().setName(COSName.FT, "Tx");
public PDTextbox( PDAcroForm theAcroForm, COSDictionary field)
2. Same Bug in PDAnnotationWidget. Only the default constructor initialize the type flag “COSName.SUBTYPE,= "Widget"”.
But the default constructor were never be used. So I must use the PDAnnotationWidget to initialize the new PDTextbox, like blow.
PDAnnotationWidget Widget = new PDAnnotationWidget();
PDTextbox textBox = new PDTextbox(acroForm,Widget.getDictionary());
Otherwise I got an empty PDAnnotationWidget from PDTextbox .getWidget().
Something not correct in PDField .getWidget().
If the the PDField create from user(not read from exist pdf file), the getWidget cannot get an correct initialized PDAnnotationWidget. The COSName.SUBTYPE will never be set.
Maybe the similar Bug in the whole org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form: the COSDictionary of element are not initialized when user create it manually (Typical to insert new acroform element).
I hope that I can give something help to this opensource Project.
Could you check this and fix in next Version?