6-1-12-t02-fail-a.pdf has 4 extra fails, that are related to an "invalid" ICC profile. "Invalid" meaning that ICC_Profile.getInstance() fails. Funny thing is that it works when reading from a stream. The following code shows this:
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File("veraPDF test suite 6-1-12-t02-fail-a.icc")); ICC_Profile instance = ICC_Profile.getInstance(fis); fis.close(); File iccFile; FileInputStream fis2 = new FileInputStream(iccFile = new File("veraPDF test suite 6-1-12-t02-fail-a.icc")); byte[] iccBuf = new byte[(int) iccFile.length()];; ICC_Profile instance2 = ICC_Profile.getInstance(iccBuf); // exception fis2.close();
That is a java bug
So I'll have to replace the calls in preflight accordingly. It doesn't apply to the main pdfbox project.