Hi everyone,
I am currently evaluating QPID and AMQP in general. I have a JMS test application that works perfectly on a JMS compliant broker (non AMQP) and now I am trying to port it to QPID using only JMS features. Unfortunately I am having problems changing the client ID. I am aware that I can specify it in the AMQ://... string on startup, but since I want to read that string from a single .properties file, that is not a nice solution for 200 clients in parallel. Instead I tried using the setClientID method and setting the ignore_setClientID flag. The only effect this had was to ignore the error that is normally thrown.
Below you can see the source code that basically does nothing other than reporting the requested ID change. Is there any workaround or solution to this problem??
Thank you very much for your support,
public void setClientID(String clientID) throws JMSException
// in AMQP it is not possible to change the client ID. If one is not specified
// upon connection construction, an id is generated automatically. Therefore
// we can always throw an exception.
if (!Boolean.getBoolean(ClientProperties.IGNORE_SET_CLIENTID_PROP_NAME))
{"Operation setClientID is ignored using ID: " + getClientID()); }}