Ranger Usersync provides multiple configuration properties to sync users & groups from AD/LDAP. One of the key configuration properties is the User Search filter (ranger.usersync.ldap.user.searchfilter). Currently, the value of user search filter must be a valid ldap search filter and is used by ranger usersync “as is” to limit the no. of users to be sync’d from AD/LDAP.
Example values include:
- samaccountname=*
- Syncs all users from a given user search base
- (|(memberof=CN=finance,ou=Hadoop Groups,dc=apache,dc=org)(memberof=CN=eng_dev,ou=Hadoop Groups,dc=apache,dc=org)(memberof=CN=eng_testing,ou=Hadoop Groups,dc=apache,dc=org))
- Sync users that are members of finance, eng_dev, and eng_testing groups
According to Microsoft documentation, the wildcard character * is not allowed when the <AD Attribute> is a DN attribute. Examples of DN attributes are distinguishedName, manager, directReports, member, and memberOf. If users need to be sync'd from multiple Active Directory groups with memberOf filters, this value can quickly become a long string of OR concatenated group DNs. A single misplaced character in this cryptic string results in all users failing to sync.