
    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1-BETA5
    • 2.0.0
    • PHP
    • None
    • Ubuntu Linux 10.04 (Lucid), Apache2, PHP5 (v.; Suhosin 0.9; Zend Engine 2.3.0)



      I am totally new in using Shindig. I decided to use the PHP-Kit for my first install of "shindig-1.1-BETA5-incubating-php.tar.bz2". After giving the install a try - I was left totally disappointed. I have done the setup as described in README of the tar-Package. It didn't run out of the box - after fixing some values in container.php I was able to get "any" result by calling the todo-example (Url "http://localhost:8090/gadgets/ifr?url=").

      There are still too much errors to use this in production. The Todo-example has thrown out something "yellow" looking somehow like what I should have to expect. But totally unfunctional and with this PHP-error:

      Notice: Undefined index: opensocial in /srv/www/default/htdocs/shindig-1.1/src/gadgets/GadgetFeatureRegistry.php on line 107 Notice: Undefined index: dynamic-height.util in /srv/www/default/htdocs/shindig-1.1/src/gadgets/GadgetFeatureRegistry.php on line 107

      I also gave some other Gadgets a try - most of them were throwing out XML-Errors, Error-Backtraces or just a blank page.

      For me as PHP-developer this experience was realy disappointing as nothing worked as it should do for a first try in a new project. Bevore trying version 1.1 of shindig I gave version 1.0 (which I expected to be more stable?!) a try. But there was a namespace conflict for the "Class Locale" with PHP5.

      After this experience with the PHP-Version I wanted to give the java version a try using tomcat. But I am not really experienced in setting up a tomcat environment and failed there, too.

      I have been reading about the social-community project "MeinVZ" ( using shindig for their community. Well I am totally confused how this software can run in production enviroment. On it does to run well - but on my local test-enviroment there is running well.

      I would be glad to get any help on how to get Shinding running on PHP. I believe there must be any bug in the Download-Package "shindig-1.1-BETA5-incubating-php.tar.bz2" too or there is missing any instruction in the README for setup.

      Best regards


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          Gabriel K.



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