Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
jbi-maven-plugin-4.3, jbi-maven-plugin-4.4, jbi-maven-plugin-4.5
Some of the artifacts defined in my project's pom.xml in scope 'compile' are unexpectedly filtered during the generation of a component.
By debugging the generation process, I have found that this is due to the use of '==' to compare the strings defining two artifact's scopes (, line 225). For a reason that I could not establish yet, my artifact as a scope value of 'compile' but the string object is not equal to Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE.
I think that one solution for this bug is either to change "artifact.getScope() == Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE" by "artifact.getScope().equals(Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE)" or to find the places where the scope of the artifact is set to a value that is not a constant of the class org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact.