Status: Resolved
Resolution: Won't Fix
General Idea
Approach shikhasomani's range check algorithm to the most cases
Join behavior depending on router types of joined collections
to from |
CompositeId | Implicit |
CompositeId | shard range check, see table below | allow |
Implicit | allow | shard to shard |
CompositeId to CompositeId join behaviour for certain number of shards
to from |
single | >1 |
single | allow (as is) | allow (range check) |
>1 | allow (as is) | per shard range check |
Rules from the tables above
- joining from/to CompositeId and Implicit is blindly allowed, it pick ups any collocated replica, because users who do that probably understand what they do.
- when both sides are Implicit let's join shards by name. ie if request hits collectionTO_shardY_replica2 at a node, the collocated collectionFROM_shardY_replica* is expected.
- when both sides are CompositeId
- from single shard to single shard - nobrainer, just needs collocated replica;
- from multiple shards to single shard - all "from" shards (any it's replicas) are picked for joining
- from single shard to multiple shards - existing
SOLR-4905functionality - from multiple to multiple - generic range check algorithm
- check that fromField and toField are router.keys in these collections
- take shard range for the current "to" collection replica (keep in mind that request is distributed across "to" collection shards)
- enumerate "from" collection shrads, find their subset which covers "to" shard range (this allows to handle any number of shards at both sides)
- pickup collocated replicas of these "from" shard subset
this is quite sensitive to shard allocation (and/or replica placement) ie failed "from" replica cannot be collocated with the required "to" shard.
Initial Description
Enhancement based on SOLR-4905. New Jira issue raised as suggested by Mikhail Khludnev.
A) exception handling:
The exception "SolrCloud join: multiple shards not yet supported" thrown in the function findLocalReplicaForFromIndex of JoinQParserPlugin is not triggered correctly: In my use-case, I've a join on a facet.query and when my results are only found in 1 shard and the facet.query with the join is querying the last replica of the last slice, then the exception is not thrown.
I believe it's better to verify the nr of slices when we want to verify the "multiple shards not yet supported" exception (so exception is thrown when zkController.getClusterState().getSlices(fromIndex).size()>1).
B) functional enhancement:
I would expect that there is no problem to perform a cross-core join over sharded collections when the following conditions are met:
1) both collections are sharded with the same replicationFactor and numShards
2) router.field of the collections is set to the same "key-field" (collection of "fromindex" has router.field = "from" field and collection joined to has router.field = "to" field)
The router.field setup ensures that documents with the same "key-field" are routed to the same node.
So the combination based on the "key-field" should always be available within the same node.
From a user perspective, I believe these assumptions seem to be a "normal" use-case in the cross-core join in SolrCloud.
Hope this helps
Issue Links
- is related to
SOLR-7090 Cross collection join
- Open
SOLR-7341 xjoin - join data from external sources
- Open
- relates to
SOLR-12216 Add support for cross-cloud join
- Open
SOLR-16717 Joining collocated shards
- Closed
SOLR-12400 SOLR Joins for multiple collections
- Closed