Audit new public Scala APIs added to MLlib & GraphX. Take note of:
- Protected/public classes or methods. If access can be more private, then it should be.
- Also look for non-sealed traits.
- Documentation: Missing? Bad links or formatting?
Make sure to check the object doc!
As you find issues, please create JIRAs and link them to this issue.
Issue Links
- contains
SPARK-15501 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs audit for recommendation
- Resolved
SPARK-15292 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs audit for classification
- Resolved
SPARK-15339 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs and code audit for regression
- Resolved
SPARK-15362 Make KMeansModel load backwards compatible
- Resolved
SPARK-15361 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs audit for clustering
- Resolved
SPARK-15586 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs audit for evaluation, tuning
- Resolved
SPARK-15587 ML 2.0 QA: Scala APIs audit for feature
- Resolved
SPARK-15790 Audit @Since annotations in ML
- Resolved
SPARK-15341 Add documentation for `model.write` to clarify `summary` was not saved
- Resolved
- relates to
SPARK-14340 Add Scala Example and User DOC for ml.BisectingKMeans
- Resolved
SPARK-15200 Add documentaion and examples for GaussianMixture
- Resolved