We will build a new rpc message `FetchShuffleBlocks` when `OneForOneBlockFetcher` init in replace of `OpenBlocks` to use adaptive feature, this introduce additional problems as follows.
`OneForOneBlockFetcher` will init a `blockIds` String array to catch chunk fetch success, it will use index in `blockIds` to fetch blocks and match blockId in `blockIds` when chunk data return. So the `blockIds` 's order must be consistent with fetchChunk index, but the new `FetchShuffleBlocks` return chunk order is not same as `blockIds`.
This will lead to the return data not match the blockId, and this can lead to data corretness when retry to fetch after fetch block chunk failed.
Fetch chunk orker code and match blockId when rerun data code as follows:
Howerver, the fetch order in shuffle service,
So, it will fetch some wrong block data when chunk fetch failed beause the blocks's wrong order.