When a executor finished a task of some stage, the driver will receive a `StatusUpdate` event to handle it. At the same time the driver found the executor heartbeat timed out, so the dirver also need handle ExecutorLost event simultaneously. There was a race condition issues here, which will make the task never been rescheduled again and the stage hang over.
The problem is that `TaskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask` use asynchronous thread to handle successful task, that mean the synchronized lock of `TaskSchedulerImpl` was released prematurely during midway So `TaskSchedulerImpl` may handle executorLost first, then the asynchronous thread will go on to handle successful task. It cause `TaskSetManager.successful` and `TaskSetManager.tasksSuccessful` wrong result.
Then `HeartbeatReceiver.expireDeadHosts` executed `killAndReplaceExecutor`, which make `TaskSchedulerImpl.executorLost` was executed twice. `copiesRunning(index) -= 1` were processed in `executorLost`, twice `executorLost` made `copiesRunning(index)` to -1, which lead stage to hang.
related log when the issue produce:
21/08/05 02:58:14,784 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-8] TaskSetManager: Starting task 4004.0 in stage 1328625.0 (TID 347212402,, executor 366724, partition 4004, ANY, 7994 bytes)
21/08/05 03:00:24,126 ERROR [dispatcher-event-loop-4] TaskSchedulerImpl: Lost executor 366724 on Executor heartbeat timed out after 140830 ms
21/08/05 03:00:24,218 WARN [dispatcher-event-loop-4] TaskSetManager: Lost task 4004.0 in stage 1328625.0 (TID 347212402,, executor 366724): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 366724 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Executor heartbeat timed out after 140830 ms
21/08/05 03:00:24,542 INFO [task-result-getter-2] TaskSetManager: Finished task 4004.0 in stage 1328625.0 (TID 347212402) in 129758 ms on (executor 366724) (3047/5400)
21/08/05 03:00:34,621 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-8] TaskSchedulerImpl: Executor 366724 on killed by driver.
21/08/05 03:00:34,771 INFO [spark-listener-group-executorManagement] ExecutorMonitor: Executor 366724 removed (new total is 793)
21/08/05 03:00:42,360 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] DAGScheduler: Executor lost: 366724 (epoch 417416)
21/08/05 03:00:42,360 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-14] BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Trying to remove executor 366724 from BlockManagerMaster.
21/08/05 03:00:42,360 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-14] BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Removing block manager BlockManagerId(366724,, 43402, None)
21/08/05 03:00:42,360 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] BlockManagerMaster: Removed 366724 successfully in removeExecutor
21/08/05 03:00:42,360 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] DAGScheduler: Shuffle files lost for executor: 366724 (epoch 417416)
21/08/05 03:00:44,584 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] DAGScheduler: Executor lost: 366724 (epoch 417473)
21/08/05 03:00:44,584 INFO [dispatcher-event-loop-15] BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Trying to remove executor 366724 from BlockManagerMaster.
21/08/05 03:00:44,584 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] BlockManagerMaster: Removed 366724 successfully in removeExecutor
21/08/05 03:00:44,584 INFO [dag-scheduler-event-loop] DAGScheduler: Shuffle files lost for executor: 366724 (epoch 417473)