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  1. Spark
  2. SPARK-38158

Rdd and shuffle blocks not migrated to new executors when decommission feature is enabled


    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.2.0
    • None
    • Block Manager, Kubernetes
    • None
    • Spark on k8s


      We’re using Spark 3.2.0 and we have enabled the spark decommission feature. As part of validating this feature, we wanted to check if the rdd blocks and shuffle blocks from the decommissioned executors are migrated to other executors.

      However, we could not see this happening. Below is the configuration we used.

      1. Spark Configuration used:
             **     spark.local.dir /mnt/spark-ldir
             spark.decommission.enabled true
             spark.storage.decommission.enabled true
             spark.storage.decommission.rddBlocks.enabled true
             spark.storage.decommission.shuffleBlocks.enabled true
             spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true
      2. Brought up spark-driver and executors on the different nodes.
        NAME                                                                                      READY              STATUS               NODE
        decommission-driver                                                             1/1                 Running           Node1
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-1          1/1                 Running           Node1  
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-2          1/1                 Running           Node2 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-3          1/1                 Running           Node1 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-4          1/1                 Running           Node2 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-5          1/1                 Running           Node1 
      3. Bringdown Node2 so status of pods as are following.
        NAME                                                                                      READY              STATUS           NODE
        decommission-driver                                                             1/1                 Running           Node1
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-1          1/1                 Running           Node1  
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-2          1/1                 Terminating    Node2 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-3          1/1                 Running           Node1 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-4          1/1                 Terminating    Node2 
        gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-5          1/1                 Running           Node1 
      4. Driver logs: {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:55:28.296Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:55:28.459Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:55:28.564Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:55:28.601Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:55:28.667Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:58:21.885Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Notify executor 5 to decommissioning."} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:58:21.887Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Notify executor 1 to decommissioning."} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:58:21.887Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Notify executor 3 to decommissioning."} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:58:21.887Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Mark BlockManagers (BlockManagerId(5, X.X.X.X, 33359, None), BlockManagerId(1, X.X.X.X, 38655, None), BlockManagerId(3, X.X.X.X, 35797, None)) as being decommissioning."} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:59:24.426Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Executor 2 is removed. Remove reason statistics: (gracefully decommissioned: 0, decommision unfinished: 0, driver killed: 0, unexpectedly exited: 1)."} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-12T08:59:24.426Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Executor 4 is removed. Remove reason statistics: (gracefully decommissioned: 0, decommision unfinished: 0, driver killed: 0, unexpectedly exited: 2)."}
      5. Verified by Execute into all live executors(1,3,5) and checked at location (/mnt/spark-ldir/) so only one blockManger id present, not seeing any other blockManager id copied to this location.

                              $kubectl exec -it gzip-compression-test-ae0b0b7e4d7fbe40-exec-1   -n test bash
                              $cd /mnt/spark-ldir/
                              $ blockmgr-60872c99-e7d6-43ba-a43e-a97fc9f619ca
      Since the migration was not happening, we tried to use fallback storage option by specifying the hdfs storage. But unfortunately we could not see the rdd and shuffle blocks in this fallback storage location as well. Below is the configuration we used.


      1. Spark Configuration Used:

           spark.decommission.enabled true
           spark.storage.decommission.enabled true
           spark.storage.decommission.rddBlocks.enabled true
           spark.storage.decommission.shuffleBlocks.enabled true
           spark.storage.decommission.fallbackStorage.path hdfs://namenodeHA/tmp/fallbackstorage 
           spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true

      1. Brought up one spark-driver and one executor on the different nodes.
              NAME                                                               READY          NODE

            decommission-driver                                                     1/1             Node1

            gzip-compression-test-49acf67e679f9259-exec-1   1/1             Node2


      1. ** Bringdown Node2 so status of pods as are following.

               NAME                                                                          READY      STATUS   

               decommission-driver                                                    1/1      Running       

               gzip-compression-test-49acf67e679f9259-exec-1   1/1     Running             

               gzip-compression-test-49acf67e679f9259-exec-1   1/1     Running         

               gzip-compression-test-49acf67e679f9259-exec-1   1/1     Terminating  

      1. Verified data migration on that storage fallback location:

                           $ hdfs dfs -ls /tmp/fallbackstorage    

             Note:  still empty this location.

      1. Driver logs is here.
        related to fallback
                 {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-17T10:40:21.682Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Registering BlockManager BlockManagerId(fallback, remote, 7337, None)"}

               {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-17T10:40:21.682Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Registering block manager remote:7337 with 0.0 B RAM, BlockManagerId(fallback, remote, 7337, None)"}

               {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-17T10:40:21.682Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Registered BlockManager BlockManagerId(fallback, remote, 7337, None)"}

              related to decommissioning  

      {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-17T10:40:21.661Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Adding decommission script to lifecycle"}

               {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2022-01-17T10:46:17.952Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Executor 1 is removed. Remove reason statistics: (gracefully decommissioned: 0, decommision unfinished: 0, driver killed: 0, unexpectedly exited: 1)."}

      Note:- Configuration files for both the scenarios are attached.

      Please Let us know if we are missing anything which is stopping the migration of rdd and shuffle blocks.



          mpatidar5 Mohan Patidar added a comment -

          Hi holden

          executors logs which went into an error state.


          {"type":"log", "level":"WARN", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:02.557Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Issue communicating with driver in heartbeater"} {"type":"log", "level":"ERROR", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:02.558Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Exit as unable to send heartbeats to driver more than 60 times"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.583Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"MemoryStore cleared"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.583Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"BlockManager stopped"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.585Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Shutdown hook called"} {"type":"log", "level":"DEBUG", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.586Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Completed shutdown in 10.025 seconds; Timeouts: 0"} {"type":"log", "level":"DEBUG", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.598Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"ShutdownHookManager completed shutdown."}
          mpatidar5 Mohan Patidar added a comment - Hi holden ,  executors logs which went into an error state.  **  {"type":"log", "level":"WARN", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:02.557Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Issue communicating with driver in heartbeater"} {"type":"log", "level":"ERROR", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:02.558Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Exit as unable to send heartbeats to driver more than 60 times"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.583Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"MemoryStore cleared"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.583Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"BlockManager stopped"} {"type":"log", "level":"INFO", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.585Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Shutdown hook called"} {"type":"log", "level":"DEBUG", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.586Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"Completed shutdown in 10.025 seconds; Timeouts: 0"} {"type":"log", "level":"DEBUG", "time":"2021-12-10T04:45:12.598Z", "timezone":"UTC", "log":"ShutdownHookManager completed shutdown."}
          holden Holden Karau added a comment -

          Do you have executor logs?

          holden Holden Karau added a comment - Do you have executor logs?


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            mpatidar5 Mohan Patidar
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