Trunk (r35537) doesn't currently support building/finding sqlite on Windows the
same way it does on *nix. On the latter you have four options:
1) Place the sqlite amalgamation in ./sqlite-amalgamation where
it will automatically be found and built.
2) Place the sqlite amalgamation in some other directory, point
to that directory with the --with-sqlite config option, and
Subversion will build it.
3) Specify a sqlite installation to use with the --with-sqlite
config option.
4) Let Subversion find an installed SQLite.
Windows on the other hand supports only one option at the moment:
Use the --with-sqlite option to to point to a
directory with this structure and contents:
These must be built manually, prior to running, the build system
will not build them on Windows.
We should support at least options 1-3 on Windows.