As reported in mailing list, the issue can be replicated with standalone distribution / embedded mode:
- from Admin Console, create user, set Password123 as password value and assign `resource-ldap`
- user is successfully created and propagated
- binding via LDAP works fine with the password set above:
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D ",ou=People,o=isp" -x -w Password123 -b ",ou=People,o=isp"
- from Admin Console, update the user above by setting the password to Password124
- binding via LDAP works fine with updated password:
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 1389 -D ",ou=People,o=isp" -x -w Password124 -b ",ou=People,o=isp"
- from Enduser UI, login as / Password124 and set the password to Password125
At this point:
- Password125 is set on Syncope
- Password124 is still set on LDAP
- a DELETE propagation task was created as consequence of Enduser UI password change