Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
2.1.0, 2.2.0
The documentation to generate ssl keys is missing the delivery service field. generating keys with that field being null will cause issues on Riak.
POST /api/1.2/deliveryservices/sslkeys/generate Generates SSL crt, csr, and private key for a delivery service Authentication Required: Yes Role(s) Required: Admin Request Properties Parameter Type Description key string xml_id of the delivery service version string version of the keys being generated hostname string the pristine hostname of the delivery service country string state string city string org string unit boolean Request Example { "key": "ds-01", "businessUnit": "CDN Engineering", "version": "3", "hostname": "", "certificate": { "key": "some_key", "csr": "some_csr", "crt": "some_crt" }, "country": "US", "organization": "Kabletown", "city": "Denver", "state": "Colorado" }
These are the fields required. Notice the delivery service is null.
{ "cdn": null, "certificate": { "crt": "csr": "key": }, "city": "Denver", "country": "US", "deliveryservice": null, "hostname": "*", "key": "linear-chi-pil-red", "org": null, "state": "Colorado", "unit": "IPCDN", "version": "1" }