We discovered a bug that Syntax error using logical operator AND.
- TinkerGraph Version: 3.6.2
- Operating system: macOS 13.2.1
- API/Driver: Java
We want to use logical operator AND to merge two individual queries, but it trigger a syntax exception which I think the query it's actually correct. And I keep triggering this kind of problem.
Here is one of our examples that triggered the bug.
1) `g.V().and(__.order().by(asc)).out('el1')` is a correct query.
2) `g.V().in('el2')` is a correct query.
3) `g.V().and(and(__.order().by(asc)).out('el1'),in('el2'))` is supposed to be a correct query but trigger a crash.
Expected behavior:
No exception should be expected to throw.
Actual behavior:
A `exception` is thrown. And I'm not really sure whether this problem should happen so I report this. And I think if I replace the `in` into `inE` here, the bug may not be triggered, but I read the [Gremlin manual]( carefully, this query syntax is correct and should be supported.
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.ResponseException: startup failed:
Script237.groovy: 1: unexpected token: in @ line 1, column 46.
1 error