I first randomly create a graph. Then when I run the following query: `g.V().has('vp4', between(0.10558513485092047,0.27458978042693427).and(between(0.4688484640878603,Infinity))).and(__.order().by(desc)).hasNot('vp1')` is thrown with an exception. I think this query is syntactically correct, but I keep triggering this kind of problem. Can TinkerGraph supports Infinity comparison?
Expected behavior:
No exception should be expected to throw. Or futher messages or prompts should be thrown.
Actual behavior:
A `java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException` is thrown. And I'm not really sure whether this problem should happen so I report this. I think it should support the Infinity rules.
TinkerGraph exception :
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.ResponseException: No such property: Infinity for class: Script126