Children of h:form with rendered="false" do get rendered (but should not) IF h:form is placed within t:panelGroup
If t:panelGroup in the example below is changed to h:panelGroup, then everything works correctly (h:form children don't get rendered).
Example demonstrating the bug:
<h:form id="testForm" rendered="false">
Stuff inside form should not show but this line shows
I did some debugging and it seems to me that the bug is coming from the following change made from Tomahawk20-1.1.10 to Tomahawk20-1.1.11
In class: org.apache.myfaces.shared_tomahawk.renderkit.RendererUtils
Method: public static void renderChild(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent child) throws IOException
The following lines were removed:
530 if (!child.isRendered())
There might be other places where this change could be causing problems/bugs.