Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
GlassFish 4.1
Tomohawk 1.1.14
JSF 2.2
Windows 7
Primefaces 4.0
I generate such blocks of two types: in the first case I use component t:selectOneMenu with property layout='spread' and in the second I use t:selectManyCheckbox. In both of them I hang handler f:ajax and generates t:radio and t:checkbox respectively. On page property id for input type="radio" (for t:radio) is generated in form 'j_idt ***', and property id for input type="'checkbox' is generated in the form id_selectManyCheckbox:index because of which the processing in the event onclick obtained here such line mojarra.ab ('id_selectManyCheckbox', event, 'change', 0, 'q-smc-div-2 q-smc-panel-2') and ajax request is not processed for t:selectManyCheckbox. For selectOneMenu line also looks mojarra.ab ('j_idt1757', event, 'change', 0, 'q-sor-div-34 q-sor-panel-34') and ajax request is executed.
<c:forEach items="#
{createTopicBean.currentTopic.questions}" var="ques" varStatus="loopQues">
<c:if test="#
<h:outputLabel value="#
<c:if test="#{ques.type eq 2 and ques.countAns eq 1}">
<t:selectOneRadio id="q-sor-#{ques.position}
{loopQues.index}" converter="#{selectOneAnsBean}"value="#{ques.selectedAnswer}" layout="spread" > <!-
<f:selectItems value="#{ques.qSelectItem}" itemLabel="#{ans.description}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="q-sor-div-#{ques.position} :createinterviewform:q-sor-panel-#{ques.position}" />
<c:if test="#{ques.type eq 2 and ques.countAns eq 2}">
<t:selectManyCheckbox id="q-smc-#{ques.position}-#{loopQues.index}
" converter="#
" layout="spread" forceId="true" > <!-TODO required="true"->
<f:selectItems value="#
<f:ajax event="change" render="q-smc-div-#{ques.position} :createinterviewform:q-smc-panel-#{ques.position}" />
<c:if test="#{ques.type eq 2 and ques.countAns eq 1}">
<p:column colspan="2">
<p:outputPanel id="q-sor-div-#{ques.position}">
<p:panelGrid id="q-sor-panel-#{ques.position}">
<c:forEach items="#{ques.qSelectItem}
" var="ans" varStatus="loopAns">
<p:column colspan="2" class="rightMarg" >
<c:if test="#
<t:radio for=":createinterviewform:q-sor-#{ques.position}-#{loopQues.index}" index="#{loopAns.index}" />
<c:if test="#{ ne 999 and gt 980}">
<p:outputPanel rendered="#{ans.value ne 999 and ans.value gt 980}" layout="inline">
<p:inputText value="#{ques.userDescription}" style="width:140px;margin-left: 20px;" /> <!-
<c:if test="#{ques.type eq 2 and ques.countAns eq 2}">
<p:column colspan="2">
<p:outputPanel id="q-smc-div-#{ques.position}">
<p:panelGrid id="q-smc-panel-#{ques.position}">
<c:forEach items="#{ques.answers}" var="ans" varStatus="loopAns">
<p:column colspan="2" class="rightMarg" >
<c:if test="#{ans ne null}
<t:checkbox t:id="a-smc-#
{loopQues.index}" index="#
{loopAns.index}" />