Status: Resolved
Resolution: Auto Closed
MacOS-10.11.2 / Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) - Maven 3.3.9 - Java 8 (Oracle, 1.8.0-b66)
I got a couple of JUnit Tests (> 200) based on @RunWith(EJBContainerRunner.class) annotation which stopped working when codebase is updated to use/run with TomEE/OpenEJB 7.0.0-M1.
I reproduced this on several projects and build a minimal example that shows that the given Test passes with OpenEJB 4.7.3 and TomEE 1.7.3 (or: 1.7.2) but not when we use "7.0.0-M1". The pom.xml of the example project has commented lines for the older variant in order to quickly switch the environment.
Demo Project is available for download here:
As it seems, the environment launched via "@EJBContainerRunner" does not start/expose the JAX-RS annotated webservice endpoint so clients can send requests. Again, in 4.7.3/1.7.3 this worked like a charm. When we run the project via maven goal "tomee:run" the endpoint is exposed and clients can successfully send requests and receive HTTP 20x codes as a reply.
Maybe rmannibucau could have a look at it?