Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
7.1.3, 7.0.9, 8.0.6
MaxWait Property is ignored because it will always be removed.
As example, this is my configuration in tomee.xml
<Resource id="database" type="javax.sql.DataSource"> JdbcDriver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JdbcUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?useSSL=false UserName = username Password = somepw MaxActive = 20 MaxIdle = 20 MinIdle = 2 InitialSize = 2 MaxWait = 5000 TestOnBorrow = true ValidationQuery = select 1 timeBetweenEvictionRuns = 7200000 MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 7200000 TestWhileIdle = true </Resource>
The error is in the file openejb-core-7.0.3.jar!\org\apache\openejb\resource\jdbc\DataSourceFactory where it looks for values, instead of looking for key (line 356):
private static void convert(Properties properties, Duration duration, String key, String oldKey) { properties.remove(key); if(!properties.contains(oldKey)) { properties.remove(oldKey); if(duration != null) { if(duration.getUnit() == null) { duration.setUnit(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } long milliseconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(duration.getTime(), duration.getUnit()); properties.put(oldKey, String.valueOf(milliseconds)); } } }
properties.contains(oldKey) should be replaced by properties.containsKey(oldKey)
So all properties which uses this convert method are ignored:
convert(properties, maxWaitTime, "maxWaitTime", "maxWait"); convert(properties, timeBetweenEvictionRuns, "timeBetweenEvictionRuns", "timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis"); convert(properties, minEvictableIdleTime, "minEvictableIdleTime", "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis");
To avoid that, it is possible to have fake properties in tomee.xml with the ignored property as value (see the ignoreMe properties at the end):
<Resource id="smclient" type="javax.sql.DataSource"> JdbcDriver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver JdbcUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname?useSSL=false UserName = username Password = somepw MaxActive = 20 MaxIdle = 20 MinIdle = 2 InitialSize = 2 MaxWait = 5000 TestOnBorrow = true ValidationQuery = select 1 timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 7200000 MinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 7200000 TestWhileIdle = true ignoreMe = maxWait ignoreMe2 = timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis ignoreMe3 = minEvictableIdleTimeMillis </Resource>
Then the values are correctly set to the datasources (verified with visualvm in the datasource MBean)
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