Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
In the latest version , create procedure, create table_mapping function, and create function now all fail to verify that the library actually exists. As shown below, the create statements now allow the operation to complete even with a non-existing library 'doesntexist'. This appears to be a regression introduced in a recent version, as they all still return a proper 1389 error in earlier version
>>drop schema if exists mytest cascade;
— SQL operation complete.
>>create schema mytest;
— SQL operation complete.
>>set schema mytest;
— SQL operation complete.
>>create procedure myspj()
+>external name 'abcd.myspj'
+>library doesntexist
+>language java
+>parameter style java;
— SQL operation complete.
>>create table_mapping function mytmudf
+>(test_what char(100),
+>test_parm char(100))
+>external name 'mytmudf'
+>language cpp
+>library doesnotexist;
— SQL operation complete.
>>create function myudf
+>(INVAL char(50))
+>returns (c_char char(50))
+>language c
+>parameter style sql
+>external name 'myudf'
+>library doesntexist
+>state area size 1024
+>allow any parallelism
+>no sql;
— SQL operation complete.
>>drop schema mytest cascade;
— SQL operation complete.