I have 20 servers in a CDN farm which I brought live recently, I have noticed with in a day 5 servers had this error reported in traffic.out. Essentially aborting due to assertion failure. The server restarts (from traffic_cop).
This platform has not had any load go through it yet, it's running around 5MB/s a second with around 25 connection per second. So doing much.
I was going to migrate more traffic onto it, but holding off due to this assertion issue.
Looking at the code, we have:
for (j=0; j < block_count; j++) {
... with a condition which breaks out ..
ink_release_assert(j < block_count)
So for this assert to be hit the entire list must be gone through without triggering the break clause, i.e. j == block_count
I don't know this code well, is this a real bug or should the assert be there (or j <= block_count)?