Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Say I have a wrapped-style WSDL interface which I want to map to Java intf:
Node greetDOM(Node name);
Our databinding introspection will correctly mark the input/output with DOMDataBinding. The JAXWSJavaInterfaceProcessor will generate the wrappers since they are not already present from the Java perspective.
Then there is some more function in WrapperJavaInterfaceProcessor to "promote" the parm/returnVal databindings to the wrapper-level databindings. However, while in 1.x this always ran after the wrappers were generated, in 2.x the order isn't so determined because of the way we factored out the addition of the interface processors.
So the user has to ensure the JAX-WS annotations are present and that they specify the databinding (via the className), which is a pain to add manually if he doesn't have a tool to do it, e.g.:
@RequestWrapper(localName = "greetDOM", targetNamespace = "http://intf.privatecopy.itest/", className = "org.w3c.dom.Node")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "greetDOMResponse", targetNamespace = "http://intf.privatecopy.itest/", className = "org.w3c.dom.Node")
Node greetDOM(Node name);
We seem to need an ordering so that the WrapperJavaInterfaceProcessor runs after JAXWSJavaInterfaceProcessor.