- Create release branch
- Update README file
- Update RELEASE_NOTES.html file
- Check the LICENSE and NOTICE files for the binary release (including eclipse plugins)
- Make sure to remove all SNAPSHOT repositories and SNAPSHOT dependencies
- Update Jira version in POM for fixed-issues report
- Update API comparison version in POM
- Clean local m2 repository and build locally with -Papache-release
- Check the issues report in issuesFixed if it looks ok
- Check that the Java version in the current terminal java -version corresponds to the minimum supported version (i.e. Java 1.8)
- Do the release build (mvn -DautoVersionSubmodules=true release:prepare release:perform)
- Close the staging repository at
- Check out release staging svn spot
- Copy artifacts from target/checkout/target to a subdirectory of the release staging spot
- Update the version in the uimaj-eclipse-update-site
- Build the uimaj-eclipse-update-site module with -Papache-release
- Copy the update site to a subdirectory of the release staging spot and commit (Caution: the update site contains a .svn folder that needs to be removed!)
- Call for a vote including URLs for
- Issue list
- Staging repository
- SVN staging spot (artifacts)
- SVN staging spot (update site)
- Git tag
- VOTE (wait at least for 72 hours, at least 3 +1 votes required for release)
- Post vote results (sign mail using same GPG key that was used to sign release)
- Copy the release artifacts from the staging spot to the dist spot in SVN
- Remove the old update site and move the new one in at
- Release staging repository at
- Create a new git tag e.g. rel/uima-ruta-3.1.0 and remove the one not prefixed with rel
- Merge the release branch
- Update website
- Post release announcement to (Cc:, – once release has arrived at – sign mail using same GPG key that was used to sign release)
Issue Links
- links to